The Library collection serves as a critical resource for student learning and scholarship at Sac State. When we invest in our collection, we expand the access to knowledge and information crucial to our success.
Now more than ever, we are working to purchase and make available the digital resources our students need while they complete the semester with online classes. Your gift to help augment our digital collections right now is crucial to our students’ success. But an investment in our collection—digital and physical—is an investment in our University for the long-term. The breadth of Sacramento State’s scholarship and research is astounding and only continues to grow. To best support our students and faculty, the collection must continue reflect the latest information, the current courses being taught, and the areas of strength on campus. When you make a gift to the Library collection, you unlock the possibilities for teaching, research, and discovery at Sac State.
Support our Library and invest in our students today and in the future. This is how we rise!