The Cooper-Woodson College Enhancement Program (CWC) was founded in 1990 as an Educational Equity, Pan African Student Retention Program, through the leadership of Dr. Otis Scott, Chris Glen, and David Covin. The name is a tribute to the legendary legacies of Anna Julia Cooper and Carter G. Woodson! The founders formulated the theoretical framework of the program based on the principles of Leadership, Scholarship, and Service! This tagline continues to define the mission of the program, and its influence can be felt around the world.
Your contribution today helps provide students with:
- The opportunity to learn about the culture and achievements of African/African-Americans in this country and throughout the world
- The opportunity to develop leadership skills and to explore personal and professional life choices within an Afro-centric perspective
- Knowledge of positive culture and social activities in the Sacramento community, encouraging students to participate in the life of the community
- Individualized or group tutorials or referrals for appropriate tutorial services on campus, as well as referrals to campus and community organizations for services
- Opportunities to develop research skills and present information at annual conferences such as, ASLAH The Association for the Study of African American Life and History and others
- Scholars experience educational and/or enrichment opportunities such as scholarships, grants, travel, and exchange opportunities in African countries or Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)
- Student advocates or representatives in the event of disputes between the student and university administrators or faculty
- A student mentor who will serve as the student’s primary source of support while the student is enrolled in Sac State