Thank you for sustaining student success! Give Sac State Day is over but if you would like to make your gift now, please click here. Stingers Up!
Improve Your Tomorrow University Scholarship

Improve Your Tomorrow University (IYT U) Sac State is a program which supports the success of young men of color. The goal of IYT U is to increase the number of young men of color who graduate from Sac State and prepare them for graduate school or the workforce. 

Our core services are 1-on-1 mentorship, member development (brotherhood events, workshops, and Member Meetings), academic support, career development (career workshops and career trips), financial literacy, and access to an emergency grant. Additionally, IYT U provides community through our activities and our space in Lassen where members socialize, grab a snack, study, and ask for support from the IYT U team. Students join our program two ways:

1) matriculating from our high school program 

2) recruited on campus during orientation, tabling, active recruiting by our team, and referrals from staff or friends.

All donations to IYT U Sac State support the direct services provided to our members and help them progress toward their college graduation and career goals.  Please consider donating to the IYT U Program today!

Hornet Family Milestones Challenge
Thank you for your generous support of Give Sac Sate Day and Sacramento State. Although we were not able to meet our goal for number, your support inspired the University Foundation at Sacramento State to donate the full challenge gift of $1,750. Your generosity has made a tremendous difference, and we thank you.
Faculty & Staff Support Challenge
THANK YOU to our generous Faculty and Staff donors for helping us reach our goal of 275 gifts from Faculty and Staff members! Your support for the programs and departments is important and deeply appreciated. Thank you to the University Foundation at Sacramento State for providing this $1,000 challenge gift!
275 / 275 Donors
Student Support Challenge
THANK YOU to our generous donors for helping us reach our goal of 150 gifts! Your support for students’ basic needs and the Programs of Excellence is important and deeply appreciated. Thank you to the University Foundation at Sacramento State for providing this $1,000 challenge gift!
150 / 150 Donors
Scholarships Support Challenge
THANK YOU to our generous donors for helping us reach our goal of 100 gifts to scholarships. Your support is vital to student success and deeply appreciated. Thank you to the University Foundation at Sacramento State for providing us this $1,000 challenge gift!
100 / 100 Donors
Academic Success & Educational Equity Support Challenge
THANK YOU to our generous donors for helping us reach our goal of 50 gifts! Your support for the Academic Success & Educational Equity is important and deeply appreciated. Thank you to the University Foundation at Sacramento State for providing this $5,000 challenge gift!
50 / 50 Donors
Don't forget to share!

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