
Don't miss the chance to multiply your impact, thanks to gift matching opportunities from some of our most generous donors.

Past Events

First in for Students - University Foundation at Sacramento State Challenge #1
THANK YOU to our generous donors for helping us reach our goal of 250 gifts! Your support for the students and programs of Sacramento State is important and deeply appreciated. Thank you to the University Foundation at Sacramento State for providing this $1,000 challenge gift to the President’s Circle Fund in support of the ASI Food Pantry, Student Emergency Grants, and Study Abroad Scholarships!
250 / 250 Gifts
First in for Students - University Foundation at Sacramento State Challenge #2
THANK YOU to our generous donors for helping us reach our goal of 100 gifts! Your support for the students and programs of Sacramento State is important and deeply appreciated. Thank you to the University Foundation at Sacramento State for providing this $500 challenge gift to the President’s Circle Fund in support of the ASI Food Pantry, Student Emergency Grants, and Study Abroad Scholarships!
100 / 100 Gifts
Dr. Bernice Bass de Martinez President's Circle Invitation
Giving through the President’s Circle offers a way to make sure student needs are addressed. I see students daily, and can generally tell when they are hungry (even though most would never admit it). Knowing that my donations support the food pantry means there’s a food option for our students. Please join us in our efforts.
Alumni Reunion Events - University Foundation at Sacramento State Challenge
THANK YOU to our generous donors for helping us reach our goal of 30 gifts! Your support for the students and programs of Sacramento State is important and deeply appreciated. Thank you to the University Foundation at Sacramento State for providing this $1,000 challenge gift!
30 / 30 Gifts
Pamela Stewart's President's Circle Challenge
The President’s Circle provides unique opportunities and lifeline services to our students so we are thrilled to be members. We CHALLENGE you to join us—best investment you will ever make!